FIRST: Thanks a lot though guys, for those of you that were helpful.

Like I said earlier, never been in a situation like this before, so any and every piece of advice I can get will be useful.

How much does the average lawyer/attorney cost? I'm pretty sure they are easy to find here in Savannah.

I don't know the first thing to say when I get in the court room. It's scheduled for January 19th. I don't want to bank on the cop not showing up because if that's my only defense and he shows, then I'll be screwed a new one. I have a feeling that it will be difficult to get TWO tickets cleared (one for speeding, one for curfew) by the judge. Honestly, I'll pay any amount of money I need to but I really can not afford points on my license. Mom was complaining all last night that now our insurance is going to triple and they might drop us now, blah blah blah...

I mean, I realise my faults and everything but has an insurance company ever dropped somebody because of one ticket for eleven over? It seems a bit overkill if this has happened. But yeah, I need to get rid of this car and get something with four doors because the insurance on a two door is ridiculous. Even if only an Escort. And I hate having to fold seats so people can get in the back. GAH!

The cop DID ask me if I wanted to exercise my right to check his radar gun calibration, but I declined figuring I didn't need to piss him off any more than I already did.

Guess now I just have to sit here and wait. At least the car wasn't impounded.


Troll. 1997 VW Jetta MkIII GLS 5spd All hail my appearance on CEG!