Originally posted by TourDeForce:

Photography is more than just backgrounds. Lighting, angles, and contrast also play a major roll in artistic interpretation. Based on the artistic presentation, all of the pictures have tremendous merrit.

Now as for playing favorites, my car is in there.
1. I've never met these guys
2. I don't think I've ever purchased anything from them before
3. I don't have any kind of social/cyber connection to any of them
4. I don't even know the secret club handshake or password.

But my picture still made the cut. Go figure.

Just to simplify my point for your limited social experience...

This is not the venue to go bashing or making negative points. PM the guys if you're not happy, submit more pix that you consider worthy of the project to make a better product next time, and if you really get all bummed out about stuff like this -

Seek counseling and remember to take your medication before you log on to CEG.

The 1st rule of CEG is that you don't talk about CEG...

"Here's a mirror, see your stupid face!"