Originally posted by BP:
Originally posted by 99blacksesport:
I would much rather be what you described than a no moral, anti-religion, terroist coddling, tax raising, tree hugging, PETA worshiping, liberal.

if that was your lame attempt at drawing an opposite parallel to my description then you get an -F for effort.

Originally posted by 99blacksesport:
I just pray to God that people will see through Hillary if, heaven help us, she runs for office.

the next election will be even more of a joke than this one if she runs. when it comes down to it she won't even make the ticket.

And I give you an F for common sense you no moral, anti-religion, terroist coddling, tax raising, tree hugging, PETA worshiping, liberal.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"