Originally posted by Dan Nixon:
Originally posted by RT and his SE:
The question is legitimate no matter what side of the aisle you stand on.
Dan, if you want to start a Conservative vs Liberal pissing match go start your own thread.

The question is SILLY no matter what side of the isle you are on. You have an ailing Ashcroft who has been ready to quit for over a year, the sec of commerce - a CLOSE Bush friend leaving (no confidence..from the commerce dept??). You have Powell (rumors ONLY) who was pulled from RETIREMENT, has no political aspirations and is working his ass off..this guy DESERVES to leave if he chooses. Rumsfeld WANTS to stay and probably will, and RICE who has only said she wants someday to GET BACK to ACADEMIA. Has anyone actually expressed no confidence in Bush now that election is over..or is this simply an Al Franken talking point?

The REPUBLICAN ship sinking??? The same Republicans who just won the presidential race with gains in nearly all demographic by the widest margin since 1988, the republican house gaining 10 seats, the republican senate gaining 5 and throwing out a democrat minority leader for the first time in 50 years. I think it a bit premature to start bailing water just yet.

i still don't see how this equates to a liberal vs conservative issue. ...i hope you're not insinuating that everyone is either a conservative or a liberal and conservative = republican and democrat = liberal. if that's the case then too many people have a boxed in false sense of reality.

sure the republican party picked up a couple spots in this election, but they're realizing they have to change in order to stay competitive down the road. the democrats are feeling the same. the pressure is on because in 2008 without the threat of terror, a 3rd party candidate could make a very strong showing and be decisive.

'03 Saab 9-5 Aero