Originally posted by BP:
well it looks to me that bush might be making a move to bring his admin a little closer to center. getting rid of a$$croft and dumbsfeld is a start.

having stuck to the chastity belt toting, bible thumping, terrorist rebuking, tax cutting ways of the right wing conservatives helped bush to keep his seat, but i think the solid division of voters spoke volumes. it's obvious that come 2008, far right conservatism won't appeal to the voting masses since terrorism will hopefully not be as big of an issue.

I would much rather be what you described than a no moral, anti-religion, terroist coddling, tax raising, tree hugging, PETA worshiping, liberal. I just pray to God that people will see through Hillary if, heaven help us, she runs for office.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"