Originally posted by RT and his SE:
So Georgie's cabinet was appointed by Liberals now?
Let me see if I can help you a little. Myself as a concerned American citizen wants to know why the people who have been running our country for the last 4 years now suddenly want out. One, two maybe three people leaving I would say ok but if all these people leave it looks like a vote of no confidence. The question is legitimate no matter what side of the aisle you stand on.
Dan, if you want to start a Conservative vs Liberal pissing match go start your own thread.

There are 21 cabinet positions, of them, two have resigned (AG and CS), and three others are rumored to be considering a move. Of the three others, two of them are directly related to wartime/terrorism, those being Rumsfeld (SD) and Powell (SS). While morals seemed to have gotten Bush reelected, the polls also show that Iraq is the number one issue on people's minds, so to me it makes perfect sense to consider a change of leadership for the key positions surrounding the terrorism and wartime issues in order to at least create the perception, if not the reality, of new direction.

Best Regards, HitchHiker 05 Altima SE-R - smoke, 6-spd - Fujita CAI Best stock times: 1/4: 14.366 @ 98.99MPH - 2.366 60 ft 1/8: 9.373 @ 79.84MPH - 2.366 60 ft