Originally posted by RT and his SE:
Small scale shakeups yes, this looks like an overhaul.
Stress or family issues? BS! There's something else behind this especially if the whole afore mentioned flock leaves. Elected officials at this level surrendered a "normal" family life a long time ago.
The cabinet IS the president! Dubya is the face not the brains.

Cabinet appointees are not elected officials FYI, they are appointed cabinet positions chosen BY elected officials. Why everyone buys into the conspiracy theory crap about "there's gotta be something else behind this" really escapes me. For all of our thinking that other people's lives are so drastically different than our own, people are largely the same, whether in the private or public sectors. Is there always something else going on behind the scenes in your own life that causes several other people to make certain decisions in their lives that are close to you? Micro to macro is applicable here.

Sure it's possible there's an agenda at work, but these cabinet posts in many cases aren't related to one another directly so it's hard to make that argument. Could be that the folks just disagree with the commander in chief, could be that they're just plain tired and want to get away from it all. Remember that many of the cabinet members led very successful lives outside of their public service commitments and simply may feel it's time to get back to their "normal" life. This was the original intent of limited terms for all offices. People that were successful in the private sector dedicated a small portion of their lives to serving in the public sector, then returned to their private lives after the fact. This practice minimized gov't corruption because there were no interests to be bought. Not the case in today's unlimited term Congress and Senate.

Last edited by cjbaldw; 11/10/04 09:19 PM.

Best Regards, HitchHiker 05 Altima SE-R - smoke, 6-spd - Fujita CAI Best stock times: 1/4: 14.366 @ 98.99MPH - 2.366 60 ft 1/8: 9.373 @ 79.84MPH - 2.366 60 ft