
So let me understand you correctly, all bible translations are bull, and the one website you're copying and pasting from is right? Essentially, 1 website > all bible translations.

Are all Bible translations 'bull'? Not necessarily. No one translation has it all right. There's no way to know which is more right than another because no one knows what Paul really meant. People read a passage in Greek or Hebrew and translate it as they see fit. I'm not neccessarily saying that one is more right than another -- just that you don't know which is more right, yet you proclaim that your Bible is so cut-and-dry. Your Bible may be, but as one goes further and further back in history and closer and closer to the original langauge and text, the answer isn't nearly as clear.

My opinion is also not a copy and paste. Don't try to denegrate those that apparently know more about your base of belief than you do simply because they disagree. I've received a rather extensive amount of relgious education in my day. My opinion is based on that of countless other theologians and religious scholars, far more educated than you are on the topic, that simply read things differently than you do. I'm not saying that you're wrong, just that there are other interpretations out there than what you may have been preached.


I'll stick to what the bible says. Any one of the many translations.

Any one of them? Even the ones in Hebrew or in Paul's original Greek? Let's avoid translations altogether and stick with the originals (or at least closer to it). Because they disagree with you -- or are at least significantly less clear as to the meaning.


Where in the bible does Paul say you can't wear a hat? Or that women can't speak? I think somethings are being taken out of context or misapplied; and before you say the same of me, tell me how you can misapply or how removing those verses on homosexuality out of context has any change on what they say?

I already gave specific explanations to you how the misapplication and translation of the verses you quoted could be altered to significantly alter what they 'say'.

Now, for your question:

Corinthians 14:33 -- "As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says."

In Corinthians Paul declared that a man should not wear a hat because it is a sign of submission, and that women are supposed to wear a head covering because women should at all times be submissive to men. Paul says that women are to be submissive to their husbands throughout Genesis, Ephesians, and Corinthians. Do you believe that? He also says that a woman must have long hair as a mark of her submission. Do you think that short-haired women are sinful? In Deuterotomy the lengths of one's hair is said to be an important distinction to God? Do you think men with long hair are going to Hell?

Now, again, these things could be interpreted to mean any number of things. We interpret them in a manner which fits our time. We cannot expect women to not speak in Church, so we interpret that passage in a more favorful manner. Eventually, homosexuality in the Bible will be interpreted in a more favorful manner as well as times change. It's just the way the Bible has worked throughout history. It's a dynamic text and the literal translation changes as popular opinion does.

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