Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by Sandman333:

Mostly referring to what this country was, and the ideals it was founded upon.

So we should all be affluent white males, women be subservient, and own slaves.

And I'm not talking revisionist history here. I'm talking fact. Go look up WHO came here "in the beginning." I dare you to read A People's History of the United States.

I suppose it should also be alright for us to continue our ideals of moving across the world and slaughtering whoever happens to be there first. Funny, that's what happened here during our westward expansion.

The MAJORITY wanted Blacks to be given separate but "equal" rights, including their own schools, water fountains, seats on the bus. And guess what? Separate but equal was struck down. Why? Because it's a load of crap. You're trying to give gays a "separate but equal" version of "marriage," but won't even see it because you're so blindly following whatever BS you use to justify this discrimination.
NOBODY is trying to MAKE you gay, just trying to keep the country from discriminating against them in the damn Constitution.

Where have I ever said I was afraid someone was trying to make me gay? Oh yeah, I didn't. Nice try deflecting the argument.

Anyway, when the majority decides that gay marriage is acceptable (and I do believe that will happen one day, though I will continue to disagree with it), then the law will be changed. What I see right now is a minority group demanding that society at large bend to their will and allow them to defile one of the most sacred and heavily moral-based institutions. That is unacceptable.

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