Originally posted by sigma:
Read the Bible in Hebrew and it's not nearly as cut-and-dry a case as you would probably like it to be.

One of the most quoted verses on homosexuality is Leviticus 18:22.

In transliterated Hebrew...

"V�et zachar lo tishkav mishk�vey eeshah toeyvah hee."

The first part of the verse, literally, is, "And with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman"

"toetvah' refers in Mosaic code to what type of sin. "toetvah" refers to "moral sin", a direct act of rebellion against God or His will.

I'll let everyone have fun figuring out just what the verse means. Maybe Moses suffered from poor grammer.

A somewhat liberal-leaning resource can be found here . Goodness know you can find plenty from a more conservative viewpoint. I just read a good article that condemned homosexuality yet called for tolerance.
click here

FWIW, I have no problem with civil unions. I see "marriage" more as a cultural religious act. Perhaps we need civil unions for hetero's as well.

former owner, 95 SE MTX 02 Ford Explorer