
True, also completely irrelevant. We are talking about socially accepted values. Stop trying to redirect the issue. Fact: The majority deems homosexual behavior as unacceptable. That may change in the future, but for now that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Fact: You're wrong.

The majority of this nation have litle problem with homosexual behavior and 65% support civil unions for homosexual couples. Already faced with a majority of acceptance, "Homosexual Acceptance" (question posed is whether it's acceptable to engage in same-sex behavior) still increases by an average of 2% every year, constantly whittling away at the percentage of those against it. In a matter of one generation it will be virtually 100% accepted.

Just to put this into perspective -- approximately the same percentage of the population approves of homosexual relationships as inter-racial relationships (Gallup Polls).

With the percentage of acceptance being so close, I sincerely hope that we're not seeing the same people object to one as the other, but it certainly looks that way for a large part (not reaching that conclusion from those here). I have a hard time believing that there's someone out there that approves of homosexual relationships but not inter-racial ones, so roughly the same group of people must object to both.


I would wholeheartedly disagree that it can be "observed in almost every animap species on the planet".

Just because you disagree with a fact doesn't make it not true. Just run a search on "Homosexual Observations Animals" and read the countless academic journals regarding not just homosexual activity in animals but homosexual coupling.


Further, most abnormalities are cast off as natural failures, as would homosexuality be should the bizzaar circumstance arise in which it became dominate. How would the species continue?

Most are, yes. But homosexuality has a recorded existence in humans for millennia. A blink in terms of natural evolution, yes, but it's certainly not going anywhere. And if by some weird-ass reason homosexuality did suddenly become a majority of the population there would be a natural reason for it. Not every species is supposed to continue. That still doesn't mean it's "against the law of nature". Adjusting to your environment is the law of nature.

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