Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
it boils down to this so called discrimination, which is a load of hoagey to start with.
... I just don't see how people can fling around the word "discrimination" so carelessly though.

...There's segregation all over this world, and it will never leave. Gays and straights. As an example, I went back to my high school today to meet with an old Trigonometry teacher. I took a peek inside the lunch room and it was the same as it was last year. All the blacks sitting together. All the "preps" sitting together. All the Gothic people by themselves in their own little dedicated corner. It hasn't changed and I don't believe there's a very high chance of it changing in the future.

First of all, how can you say discrimination is a load of anything? The move to ban gay marriage (let's also note that they're trying to ban something before it's possible!) is nothing but blatant discrimination against the entire gay community. Whether or not you "agree on people being gay" (which IS a load of crap- so many people still see it as a choice) it does NOT mean that you should strip away a right.

You people want to say "What happens when you start allowing gay marrige?" Well, what happens when you start banning it? Who else doesn't get the right to marry? Anyone under 30? Over 50? White? Black? Asian? Where does it stop?

And your example of the lunchroom holds no water. There is a stark difference between a group of like-minded people. They hang out because they have similar interest, NOT because they're forced to by any rule or law. That's not segregation, that's gravitation.

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