Originally posted by Fmr12B:
It's not the religious behind all of this.

I'm with Bush on this one, lets explore civil unions, and let the term Marriage be for a man and a woman. If we allow gays to marry then what else are we opening the door to?


Maybe a Bisexual 3-some of 2-guys & 1 woman all want to be married.

We wouldn't want to dicriminate against anyones sexual agenda.

I agree, though i have many gay friends and i feel they deserve the right to have the same civil liberties as a married couple, i don;t think it would be right to call it marrage.

i too feel, the word "marrage" should be reserved for a man and woman...as FMR12B stated,


Maybe a Bisexual 3-some of 2-guys & 1 woman all want to be married.

And like him, i feel thats not right.....

But i am a strong supporter for Civil rights for all Gay and Lesbians.


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