You f-ing choads. You're about to look REALLY stupid.

He's referring to "goodwill" warranties and back-door warranties where a car has a problem the car maker acknolwedges but doesn't want to admit in public for fear of forcing a recall. It happens ALL THE TIME. As a matter of fact, there'a st least one on the Contour, dealing with the piece of [censored] ATX. I know, because learned the code and used it to get a new trans installed by a dealer for $500.

There's probably a dozen "secret warranties" from any manufacturer at any time. If they "honor" them at all, it's usually from the standpoint of "well, you know, this isn't covered under warranty but because we value you as a customer, we'll do this for you just this once". The customer thinks the dealership is doing them a favor when in fact they're helping the factory cover up a known defect. The happy customer doesn't go squawking to the NHTSA and that's one less complaint on the way to critical mass that drives a recall.

That said, I am not aware of any website that lists the secret warranties.

So tell me how that crow tastes, you boneheads.

Pacific Green '96 Contour LX V6 â??98 GTP, light mods, 14.66/94 Calypso Green '92 Mustang LX coupe, 13.56/101 Crown Autocross Club 1999 Street Tire Champion, 2000/2001/2002 Street Modified Champion KCR SCCA 2002 Solo II Street Modified Champion