Hello all. I had a great time at the meet. Sorry we were a little late but the rides needed their baths and got all dirty from the ride. Thanks WRXBarge (spelling) for making your own search party. I saw you cruise by when we were at the car wash. I enjoyed the fact that everyone was so nice the whole time. Props to BenS for hosting this meet, I wish some of the other guys from the last meet would have made it to yours. Lunch was great, I have never been there before but have it on my list of places to go if I find myself hungry while in MI. It was great getting to know everyone and putting rides and screen names to real names and faces.

I liked all the cars that showed up at the meet. I have seen so many cars gather for meets before and I always just drove on by. This was officially my first meet. I could not get over the gun metal and black rims, very pretty looking things. The choice of tire and tread patterns go great with the rims too. I wish some of the turbo charged one's would have showed up. That would have been nice. I haven't gone through all the pictures yet but there a good number of them and I will hopefully have them up soon. I am the one that filmed the red contour with the SVT exhaust and recently bought rims and tires package. I saw your post earlier but also forgot the name sorry. PM me when you get a chance.

Well again had a great time getting to meet everyone and our lunch table was a lot of fun as well. Thanks for everything everyone. Wa2tuff and BMXcontour were fun to ride with on the way and back. I really hope that we can get a meet in Cleveland going on sometime in the Spring and get a good turnout with people from this meet and more.

98.5 T-red SVTour 05 Blue Yamaha R6 for sale PM me