1. wa2tuff
2. SteedaSan
3. Contourguy9817
4. BenS
5. MxRacerCam
6. RawBurt
7. AliasJerk
8. SVTMike
10. Booger
11. Lilredrocket (SVT patches)
12. 313
13. Starjammir
14. MCConnectioncc
15. TheeSVTShow
16. Janostak
17. BMXcontour

Still 50% of rain...=(
I wish, I had more "experienced" folks attending our meet. It's either bad timing on my part, or folks just won't/can't come to this meet for whatever reason. I'm kinda feeling sorry that those that are coming out can't enjoy the experience a larger meet can provide. I think I'll plan another meet for around Febuary, March. I'll look for some sponsors so it can be a mid-large event calling out alot more [Contour] enthusiasts. All in all, I'd like to get to know the people attending a little better. Maybe we can plan some car mods, work together....

-Black '96 GL 160k -Car #30953