Originally posted by Bradness:
Although it's a little rough, my spacer is fabbed from 3/4 AL plate with a taper bore and splitter top and bottom. As soon as I get the digicam I'll post the pics.

let me know how this works out. have you tried fitting your spaced yet? did you have any clearance/fitment problems with the TB being moved 3/4"?

I am interested in seeing pics. perhaps I can make my own or work out a deal where you make one for me, I'm sure at least a handfull of others would be interested as well.

whats your opinion on using a lesser conductive material than the aluminum, I saw someone post phenolic, but there are other materials as well such as nylon or polycarbonite (lexan) This would reduce heat transfer through conduction, although radiation and convection would still be an issue. I imagine most of the heat movement is through conduction.

What would be the effect if the upper IM were made of plastic rather than aluminum. I think I mentioned this before.

"careful man, there's a beverage here."
e-mail: boseraq@hotmail.com
aol IM: madhat1412