Originally posted by Terry Haines:
Just measure the distance from the throttle butterfly at WOT to the back face of the intake manifold....why do we put 'riser plates on carb V8's.....NO its not for the heat either! wink

Its to increase plenum volume. When you increase plenum volume you don't necisaraly increase torque but you do increae the rpm range the torque is produced in.

Tuned runners are GREAT for producing power, but they are compariable to a pipe organ, work VERY well at a certain rpm but not so well at others, as a result you have to find the specific rpm that you want to make your power. The longer runners in the 2.5 are better at producing torque, the shorter runners in the 3.0 are better for hp. Hone extrude a 3.0 laugh

OR for thermal efficiency a nylon 3.0 off the 2k's would be nice. Add a little porting (very little) and you have a nice intake. Just don't flow any nitrous though them, they don't like that AT ALL.

14.6 out of a 12 valve 3.0 Taurus
A wise man once said, rather then watch a girl wrestle I would rather see her box.