Thanks, Cris'pus. This is excellent stuff.

We can only hope the moderators preserve this how-to by making it a FAQ or article. But based on past experience, this is what will happen:

1. The moderators will refuse or ignore any request to make the post a FAQ, article or sticky. If a lot of members ask for the info to be preserved, the moderators will be even more determined not to do so.

2. Cris'pus' post will fall into the archives, and eventually the photos will become red x's.

3. Other members (and newbies) will post questions about how to replace timing belts. Many will have tried to find information on the topic by searching in the forum archives, but they will find it difficult to weed through the tons of irrelevant information, and will be frustrated by the red x's.

4. The moderators and others will be annoyed by having to answer so many repeated questions about the topic. They will blame the members who ask the questions, even though the moderators have allowed excellent, comprehensive answers like Cris'pus' to fall into the obscure and difficult-to-use archives.

5. The modifications forums slowly become a bitter, boring grouchfest, with newer members asking for information that has already been covered many times, but which is now hard to access, and older members becoming bored and tired of answering the same questions again and again, without being able to quickly direct people to a handy article or FAQ.

6. The earth begins to rotate more slowly on its axis. Gravity becomes weaker and weaker. We all eventually drift away into the stratosphere; metallic objects (like Contours and Mystiques) are drawn toward the sun, where they are burned to cinders.

* Note: none of these comments are directed at Hector, but are generally about the way preservation-worthy info is handled by the CEG administration.*