Originally posted by ContourSVT98:
I wouldnt take them to small claims because you will only get up to $5000. You deserve more than that. Youll need more for punitive damages and the time wasted. Ill ask for at least $10k if I was you.


in order to go to superior court (maybe different in their state) you have to hire an attorney, for a few grand. no attorney would touch this without money up front. the judge will only give money for actual damages, ie cost to repair and for the cost of filing the suit. you cant recover punitive damages for something like this. you also cant recover for time wasted or wages lost for being in court. small claims court would definitely be the best option. unless small claims in your aread caps out at $3k and your damages are far above that. but then factor in the attorney fee and it may not be worth it.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.