Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by SVT Driver627:
If i remember the meeting place was 10:30am at Denny's at Twelve Oaks. Who is going to be there? I will be there if others are, cause a little convoy o tours would be cool.

Why that is SOOO out of the way for you!

You live in Howell! Remember that!

Very True, i'm just going to be meeting up with Dave. I guess i'll see you all there. Remeber if you want some stickers let me know so i can save some. First come first serve.

~Alex Ex- SVT Driver627 MUST SELL!!!LOCAL: Pre-98 MOLDED trunk Polk db speakers Corolla parts LED Underbody Kit PM 2000 Green CSVT gone on 2/17/06 2001 Toyota Corolla (SHE RUNS!!!) 1989 Mustang LX 5.0