Originally posted by RawBurt:
STOP WHINING, you, yes you! Awww are we trying to be like Steedasan now with the salt comment. Seriously how old are we, its time to grow up... How old are you and whats your job?

instead of wondering why someone may be trying to act like someone else, perhaps you should wonder why you illicit the same kind of responses from different people. if everyone i talked to treated me similarly, i might have to wonder if it's perhaps me that has the problem.

we're not here seeking to villify you man. but if you keep posting garbage, you're going to continue to hear it from many sources. either heed the advice that EVERYBODY is giving you, or continue to be the way you are and suffer from everybody giving you crap about it.

it's not our fault you can't seem to learn.

02 Mustang GT... Tuned by Nelsons. Low 12's, anyone? .....______ ___|______\_____ |/-\_________/-\_| .\_/...............\_/