Originally posted by rkneeshaw3.0:
So you're talking all big with your FI AWD car and comparing it to demons' heavy N/A FWD (which has faster times than your comrades, both on street tires)? By all rights, you're car *should* kick demons' cars ass if it's using FI and has the advantage of AWD. But it doesn't. Its pretty close to even. Compare apples to apples and demon or any SVT kicks any neons ass all day long.

stfu or gtfo. Your argument is retarded. You're just an attention whore.

Actually I think your argument is pretty retarded. How are you gonna compare 4 cyl NA to 6 cyl NA? I think 4cyl FI to 6cyl NA or FI in some of these SVT's cases, is a good comparison. Besides that- there are plenty of NA 12 second neons...