Originally posted by DemonSVT:
Originally posted by ATL-SVT:

some things never change.... so when are you going to move onto a real car? Or is king of the chumps your 'calling' in life?

All the SRT needs is a capable driver and STREET tires to beat your slug.

Go troll somewhere else worthless boy.

As usual your comments are nothing but drivel and near sighted ignorant banter.

Apparently the SRT-4 needs more then that. That's why you can't compare runs from different tracks our are your really that clueless that you can't fathom that idea.

The day I ran there were multiple SRT-4's there and not one got close to the 13's or triple digit traps. The 13's part could possibly be driver related but several of the drivers were quite good.
However the trap speed is most definitely not drive related!

Man you are an ignorant fool.

The best thing. My "slug" weighs quite a bit more then an SRT-4. Guess a stronger power curve beats peak power but then again that's nothing new.

There ya go SemenSVT! Do it again, hurry before I have to leave and go back to the land of real cars, lol

Your car weighs more- agreed, has a much weaker power band (where you came up with that crap is beyond me), has the weekest transaxle ever concieved (let alone built).... and if you wanna be stupid lets talk humidity and elevation for NA cars, not FI'd beastly NEONS that have PCMS which will raise or lower boost on the fly due to atmospheric conditions/ outside temp/ air density- what have you....

just admit man, I've said it before and I'll say it again.... you are beating a dead horse.