Originally posted by Cris'pus:
Originally posted by SVT PETE:

3. Change "Total parent posts to show per page: (default is 10)" to 20.

Now the Stickies don't take up as much room. (I don't see what the "bother" is about them anyways.)

I've had it at 25 parent posts and 20 posts per page since I became a member.
A) Don't have to click next page as often and
B)Less likely to post a topic discussed just days before.

I'm really surprised more people don't do this. Makes it a lot easier to view the threads.

Originally posted by Cris'pus:

IMHO there's too many in Aesthetics BUT they are almost needed and even then you get people who Completely ignore them and start a new pointless thread.

I've been busy trying to improve Aethetics, Duratec Maintenance, Duratec Performance, and General Mods.

90% of my time has been spent moving posts from General Mods to the appropriate Forums for more effective dearch results. It's almost done, so I have more time to improve the Forums.

Originally posted by Cris'pus:

I think if you just DON'T ANSWER such reoccuring topics they'll be Forced to search . Only if the ignorant will keep asking then pounce, don't kill the newbs so quickly.

That's tough because Search Nazis start jumping in or the poster "ttt" or "bump" or "anyone?" to get it back to the top. Better to give a link and tell them to try Searching (nicely of course ).

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