If you have any suggestion on how to improve the Duratec Maintenance Section, please post.

Looking for volunteers to do detailed How-tos for the Duratec Maintenance section. (Credit would be given )

Some examples would be:
- flushing coolant
- changing brake pads
- atx fluid change
- etc. etc. etc.

If you would like to do a How-to, please post here w/ what How-to you will be doing.

Try to include what tools are needed/used, what should be purchased (parts, liquids, etc.), time needed, etc.

PM when How-tos are ready - I'll give an email address.

Please note that this is not the area to discuss Mods - please, start your own thread!

If a reply is made that is not a suggestion (or an agreement of suggestion) it will be deleted.

Capitol CEG Classifieds Make an offer! 2005 GTO IBM - 337hp/336tq