Originally posted by auiotour:
<p>How interested are you?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />I am very Interested
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />I am interested but not sure I will have the money
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Not interested
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />Don't have any money
<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />Prices are to high
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.contour.org/ubbthreads/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1095980032auiotour">

sorry poll didn't work above.

hey, i dont see a "can i think about it and get back to you option."

are these just leds/bulbs? or in a kit?

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.