My advice. Sell the SC if you can't afford a modded car. Doing things as extensive as F/I your going to have to maintain and care for you car MORE. Esepcially at the age that our cars are getting at.

I think we need a seperate thread entitled "Spring Zing - My Excuse"
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by auiotour:

the way my car was eating gas, i was getting about 13mpg with the super charger. That means I would have to fill up about 15 times i think it was.

Explain to me how a S/Cer is going to effect gas mileage that adversely if you're not putting the pedal to the wood? So you're stating your car is getting 13 mpg on the highway with the cruise set at 80? If so your car has serious issues. Talking someone into coming is retarded but your excuses are lame.

Ryan Trollin!