Originally posted by todras:
So where were all these ppl last SZ '04? We'll see when it comes to play I guess. "Oh something came up."

well, i can tell you right now that im not sure if i can make it (as noted in my first post). this last summer, i had to take summer school so i knew i couldnt come. this summer, i am looking into internships and whether my car will be here or florida, or when im driving back (to go a "longer" way if you catch my drift), if im driving back, etc. it is obviously difficult to know what i will be doing in may of next year. sorry. i hope i can make it but by no means am i saying whether i can or cant now. just too far into the future. a trip that far from either of my homes is a big deal, so just getting there will be difficult. i have no problems, however, winning the longest drive award!

#4559 of 6535 born on Feb 17, 1998 Black 1998.5 CSVT FOR SALE [cleaning house]: SVT rear swaybar. Reasonable offer and its yours!