sz 04 was my first year. I talked to many people there that said attendance was way down. I still had a blast. so it rained a little and we got lost once or twice but that is what makes it great. Getting to know people that love there cars the way I do makes me realize that I am not going crazy after all. I loved seeing all the cars, sure my car, the one and only mystique there, was not the nicest car and I didnt even put it in the show n shine but I saw many things there that I would like to do to my car. After seeing Stazi's turbo set up I want one bad. I learned alot and I would not have given it up for anything. And by the way I didnt mind the price at all. It could be $200 for all I care I have a year to save up. please dont let something as great as this go away. Our cars may be getting old but our love for them shouldnt. sounds kind of nuts I know but its true

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