true, forgot about that, but still maybe a shot for the local peeps.

Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
Originally posted by RTStabler51:
my favorite asshats, you might want to let the SHO / Cougar guys in on this and gauge interest there as well, unless your just going strictly CEG / FCO

it'll be very difficult to get the Cougar community to come to this. They are expecting to do Cougarfest in Indy in 2005, much like their huge Cougarfest this past year in Indy. Cougarfest usually happens in July.
Many members will be saving for that one trip alone.
There was talk of inviting CEGers to the event especially if a SZ05 couldn't happen, but they would still call it Cougarfest out of tradition.

Ryan Trollin!