I've never really understood how a gate would make it any easier or more precise to shift. The shift goes where it's supposed to go when you move it--first to second, second to third, etc. How would a gate, even if it would work, improve that? It seems to me that it would make it harder to shift, like you'd have to think where to move the shifter so it would go in the proper slot. If I'm going thru the gears, which I do on a fairly regular basis, I don't want to think, "am I in the right slot, did I move the shifter over far enough but not too far?" Too much work. Plus I've got the B&M short shifter--how would a gate make life easier for it? The only one you have to screw with is reverse, who needs a gate for that?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against new ideas. God knows we need them. I just can't see how this would help anyone, let alone our cars.

Last edited by wa2tuff; 09/14/04 02:54 AM.

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics