Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
First off, congrats on being ball-sy I don't think it looks rice at all and this is coming from someone very picky on aestics (spelling ) and 34 years old! The one thing I'd do though is paint/tape the chrome strip that goes under the tailights black because it doesn't continue with the one thats under the center reflector and that disturbs the "flow" of the center reflector/tailights IMO. ***You MUST get a red LED bulb in that tailight*** The main reason the combo is illegal is because you don't have a red reflector back there, i.e. the center reflector is painted and theres NO red showing anywhere. I wonder what it would've looked like if you would've left some type of red shape in the center reflector In closing it looks great on a white car and IMO, the only other color car this mod would look good on, is a silver Tour, good job once again and try and come on out to one of our meets sometime, we don't get any Mystiques out here.


As for the strip in the last set of pics i posted, it wasn't even on the lamps; i took it off to paint them...once i put it all together, it will be blacked out once again.

I also have ordered some red LED bulbs, and i just piced up a bunch of 10 watt resistors form radioshack in order to keep the correct blink-rate....so if the LED lamps are bright enough (and that's a big 'if') i should have the lighting taken care of.

And ya, i know, i gotta make it out to a meet one of these days...

I ended up painting the lamps black, and it looks like crap, they look way out of place. They're not on the car right now...i guess i'll be painting them white in a few weeks.

1998 Mystique LS: -2.5 Duratec ATX -Vibrant White -------------------- =Pics= =Info=