First of all my beef was the comparison of the â??plightâ? faced by Kermit and the real challenges faced by the people of Florida. His â??woe is meâ? tale, however jokingly he says he may have intended it, was a poorly timed and blatant search for attention all too typical of the poster who clogs countless threads with his mostly useless, self-centered drivel. This thread specifically started as a well wishing thread for the folks directly in the past of the then Category 4 storm. The people to which this thread was intended was in real danger of losing their entire home and possibly the lives of their family and friends. It starts downhill with Kermitâ??s â??holy poop weâ??re going to dieâ? comment and degenerates further into a juvenile exchange of getting intoxicated. If CEGâ??s resident immature poster can suck it up to start a heartfelt thread of concern in a regional forum very far away from his own youâ??d think Kermit could do the same. That was obviously too much to ask of him.

Hmm, geography, geology and flooding; did you know that when Albany flooded due to a hurricane in â??94, Alberto IIRC, it received over a foot of rain? Americus flooded too, after receiving over two feet of rain. As of Saturday afternoon the most rain recorded in the Frances impact-zone of Florida was just nearing that. (How far south is that again???) When the Southeast was hit with flooding in â??98, (when 2,000 people in Elba, Alabama made national headlines because they had to be urgently evacuated after a levy failed) it was due primarily the unusually wet winter where grounds were already saturated. You probably recall the *slight* blizzard that year? There has been no such accumulation of rainfall (or snow) in the Southeast this summer, in fact double-checking the almanac for that region indicates that rainfall is nearly 10â? below normal for the year. Your biggest threat from Frances comes from flash flooding and quite frankly there is hardly a region in the US immune from such conditions. I agree that two or three days of heavy rain in this region probably will result in flooding, but it will be localized and hardly on the scale of the devastation faced by Florida at the moment. Which gets me back to the whole point of my first post, the folks in Florida are/were facing real, massive, life-ending threats on an incredible scale; any impact on South Georgia would be miniscule in comparison and Kermits attempt to conjure up such (and make light of the danger in Florida) was ridiculous.

In the end what was a nice, meaningful gesture begun by the unlikeliest of sources was ruined by an immature punk, trying to show what a big boy he thinks he might be because heâ??s gone off to college and can drink without mommy knowing.

Glad you folks in FL have fared better than anticipated and hope life returns to normal ASAP.

-- 1999 SVT #220 -- In retrospect, it was all downhill from here. RIP, CEG.