Originally posted by alex_96GL:
Originally posted by Roz 1999 SVT-C:

Check your:
Water pump
motor mounts
Clutch (yes it is possible that it maybe bad,even though its new)
and then fianly your engine (cams, rods)

also some trivial things, like a loose spark plug it can be anything at this point. it can be event this, but let's hope it isn't.

p.s. Lupe, I was not tryig to deride the bearing theory, it is indeed a common occurence. I think we all (HITMAN exclided) appreciate the point that we should work from trivial to complicated.

Agreed...no insult was taken on my end....it was something i did not mention altogether, so i am glad someone did....

Also, something weriod i found out, the last guy i know who spun a bearing (SVTKID04) i saw his car up close...at idle and low RPM, his car wound not make a noise....but when driving or it came back...not too loud bu very noticeable....the way we confirmed the bearing was when his motor basicly froze on him and died.

So not hearing it (or faitly hearing it) at low RPMS i would ahve to say is possible.

I would recreate the situation to show you guys, but thats an expensive fix


3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles