Originally posted by JonnySVT:

oh well excuse me seeing as it is my only means of transport...i have nothing else to do....i don have an extra car to drive when mine is jacked up...sorry that isnt up to your standards....oooo my apologies

Poor excuses don't bring any sympathy. I only have one car too, but when the car is down, it's down. Find a different mode of transportation...maybe the Nike express. The only reason I didn't say it was the bearing is because he hasn't mentioned a loss of power and he is still driving it. If it's not the WP, my guess would be a bearing.

I have to agree with you, its very blunt and stright forward (a little harsh ) but it is truth, when my car is down i walk, take the bus or ride my bike.

Im not agreeing with Jonny to be an ass...he just makes a good point in my opinion.


3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles