Originally posted by 99blacksesport:
Me, with my very limited knoledge compared to you guys, was thinking the exact thing as warmonger. I can understand a failure on first startup where the grit and stuff might have been sitting there, but once it is in the oil shouldn't the oil filter catch it all? If not, whats the point of having an oil filter?

Nevermind, I got my (ours, warmonger?) answer here:
Originally posted by Terry Haines:

...need to clarify something here Re:location of the sand that does the damage.The sand is in the oilways that are AFTER the oil filter and before the bearings.Its been suggested that an oil filter check will give 'early warning'...not so...the sand is added on the pressure side out of the filter.....if it were on the 'in' side we wouldn't have an issue as the filter would trap it ...Re:in the pressure line from the pump to the filter inlet...Sorry guys but I wish it was there too!

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"