Ok, when the date is set and ready to go, Ed of Apex asks if you guys could put a deposit down.

The only reason he asks this is because he doesn't want to schedual an event and then the minimum requirement does not show up.

It doesn;t have to be the full amount....it can be 10 bucks.... I talked to him about it in more detail, and it turns out that they have been stiffed before.

So there trying to cover there butts cost wise so they do not want to waste money....I hope this does not discourage people into not showing....I will be seeing him tomorrow not for more details on this matter.

If anyone has any questions, i will answer them shortly I hope, or if i do not, then please PM me and i will PM you my contact number to get a hold of me.

Also if you guys want to, I can shedual a Meet with ED (shop manager) this week or weekend so that way you guys can get to know him and get the info you need directly form the sorce!

Best regards,

3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles