I lived in Orlando for some years, & my little brother did - and now my daughter is going to school at UCF.

A catagory 1 thru 3 hurricane is no biggie that far inland. There will be very little that will be life threatening as long as she stays in. The most she'll have to worry about is rising water from the heavy rains. The winds should be dissipated by the land & buildings that far in so they won't be full force at the ground level.

There is the possibility of tornados, but those will likely happen near the Tampa area, not Orlando - extremely rare.

She should do some prep in case services are interrupted, i.e. stock up on water by filling some empty jugs with tap water for drinking, & fill the tub & use that water for bathing & flushing if needed.

General stuff if electricity goes out, like:

1. eat all the fridge food now so if electricity is out she won't lose as much food.
2. put a few jugs of water in the freezer to help keep things cold for longer.
3. Make sure she's got a week or two of canned goods & such.
4. batteries for radio & flash light.

Overall, the storms are more inconvenient than they are a threat as long as you stay inside.

How's that for re-assurance...?

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.