Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
ANY dino oil will be fine for a day (if it's certified and the right viscosity, and what oil isn't certified). There isn't even a huge difference between cheapo dino oil and non cheapo dino oil.

There are lots of cheap oils out there that do not belong in our engines, not even for a minute. As you know, there are cheap oils at discount stores (and many other retail outlets) that are not API certified. One brand for sale around here is called "Chalet" and it is definitely not API certified. I wouldn't put it in my lawnmower. And, as I mentioned in my previous post, there are other types of cheap sub-standard oil for sale (recycled, single-vis, etc.). It's stupid to use any oil that does not meet the manufacturer's specs for quality, just to save a few pennies.

Zetecninja is working his ass off to fix his motor. If you are going to advise him, you have an obligation to do it right. It's wrong to tell him to use "cheap oil" without explaining (and limiting) what you mean. It's also wrong to tell him that "ANY" dino oil is OK, even for a short time.

Originally posted by Kremithefrog:

But when you post incorrect info (some was correct like use 4.5qts.) AND try to talk smack. Yeah that's not cool.

I posted incorrect info? What are you talking about? Trust me on this, Kremit: you don't want to start a discussion about posting incorrect info.