Originally posted by SVTcontourSVT:

discard the weed

What you mean smoke?

well i coulndt bring myself to say it (that way i was covered legally)...

Originally posted by Horse:
Originally posted by Stryker:
if i were you , i would take it to your local police station and show them the paperwork, and then ask if they will sick their drug dogs on it, just to be sure you dont get any surprises. i dont know if they will do that. if they wont, do it yourslef, rip that car apart looking for anything out of wack. if you find anything, discard the weed or whatever it is and go on driving.

This is actually VERY good advice. Our Drug task force guys (I work for the PD) LOVE this kind of oportunity - they will go over the car with you looking for names places people drugs ect ect ect and then go bust those fools too - that way ou get them on YOUR side and you get less chance of getting a ticket when you get pulled over (even less chance if you work with them )

thanks for backing me up horse. my local PD will always be willing to help me out on these matters. i figure, if i bring it to em to search it and they do find something, it wont be my ass, as long as i have the paperowrk.

glad you approve...at least i can do something right around here...

but in case anyone is wondering about my experience, i frequently (as frequently as auctions allow) buy cars off of police impound lot and fix em up/resell them. its kinda like i run my own business. i just got a 1990 Chevy caprice with only 32,000 miles on it (near as i can tell original, the VIN stamped into the block matches that on the car) for $1000. im betting with new tires and spark plugs i could get $2000 possibly. i currently have an offer on the table for 1500, we will see...

Last edited by Stryker; 07/17/04 05:30 PM.

Regards, Cole. Relegating to troll status sometime this week. New Whip: 1990 Lexus ES250. Old Hotness: 1995 GL MTX Zetec *IN TRIAGE* "I had a little friend once, but it dont move no more... "