Originally posted by Matt R:
Well thanks everyone for the help- the supporters and the ones against me. The only reason that I drained the washer fluid was because I thought it was the bottom of the coolant res. I stopped immediately when I noticed the liquid coming out was blue, not green. Thanks again everyone.

It sounds like you have the desire and the patience required to service your own car, just not the direction...buy a good manual. I think you'd soon discover what you feel like you're willing and able to tackle, and what you'd feel safer letting others do for you.

That applies to everybody at this group, I'm sure; even me.

Sure, I can fix almost everything on my machine, but I would never dream of trying to paint the thing...wouldn't even want to rebuild the transmission/transaxle...I'd pay someone to paint it and I'd buy a brand new transmission/transaxle and replace it myself, even if I had a *how-to book* on-hand.

Even in Kremits case...he may have replaced his own T/Belt, and has taken the pole-position of The DIY Brigade, but even he took it to a pro when it came time to replace his own cam gears/pullies, for whatever reason, even tho' he says he's got the right method for holding the pullies, and a how-to book at his side.

I didn't mean to come down on you, just thought that you might want to think about having someone else do it for you, at least until you have a good guide to go by, knowing what's required of you to do the job yourself.