Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Meangreen my first reply was nice,

I didn't ask the question...I gave an opinion, you gave an opinion...that should have been the end of it.


though yes it discredited your opinion. I did it as nicely as possible though.

Why? There was nothing wrong with my advice, in this case, and it sure wasn't inaccurate advice that needed to be discredited in any way.


Not only is it OK to have an opinion, it's OK if the opinion doesn't agree with someone else's.

It sure doesn't appear that it's OK with you.


You have the right to disagree again with me and what not but you asked if I'm trying to start a fight, etc. I wasn't with the first post

Sure you were.


but I don't really care now, because your opinion isn't needed in the zetec section.

Why is that, expert? Because your limited opinion is more needed than my ASE certified opinion/my 21 years of experience?

Your Zetec drain plug is so much different than my SVT's plug and it's location?

Because I have dozens of customers that have Zetec platforms, where I have replaced their T/Belts, Head/Gasket, Clutches, Alternators, Struts, Brakes, Exhausts, Drive Axles, Compressors, Heater Cores, Radiators, Evaporators, Emissions, Ignition Systems, Fuel Management...the list goes on and on.

Your knowlege surpasses that of mine, expert?


We don't like people to discourage others from working on their cars. Sure he wasn't doing the right things, BUT that's why he posted on here, and we're here to point him in the right direction, which isn't a shop.

Maybe it should have been...remember, that's the guy that was yanking on his O2 sensor and draining his washer fluid, taking 6 hours to do it. I don't go around telling people to go to a shop, I give lots of DIYs advice that they can use for themselves, but this one concerned me.


Noone is born mechanically inclined, but it's more of a learned skill that anyone can do following a book, a how-to, or someone's directions.

That's a load of crap, honestly. Could your mother out-wrench your dad? Can you out-wrench me? Can I out-wrench Sean Hyland? I know that you do have to be mechanically inclined to be good at it. I've seen mechanics that have worked on cars for 10 - 15 years and be blown away by kids that have been doing it for only 2 years. I know because I was once one of those kids that was always having to finish and/or re-do the brake jobs, window regulator jobs, carburetor jobs, tune-ups, etc of those guys that weren't really inclined to be in the profession, because they weren't qualified, really, and they never were able to ever retain anything that they had just learned and done.

Give your brain a chance, friend...everybody has their own skill-level.

Using your theory, everybody can learn to be a Mozart, everybody can ride bulls, everybody can benchpress 500lbs, everybody can win the lead role in La Boheme or Turandot, everybody could make an award winning soufflé, etc...all they need to do is follow a book, a how-to, or take someone's direction.