Ok ive seen this work for another member so im gonna try it. A friend and i are starting a 1/10 scale onroad race track. I am making a webpage and i really SUCK at photoshop. The track is called GHRC.com (golden horseshoe dot com....) anyway i need a banner type logo to span the top of my website. after much fighting with phopo shop i was wondering if any of you guys with a natural talent would help me out.

It doesnt have to be anything fancy i think the dimensions are (660 x 150) something like that. like i said im new...

colours and fonts are totally up in the air at this point. I just need something that i can have on our site so it looks a little more professional...

(if need be this will be a $10 contest not that anyone needs it but hell i do need the help..)t

thanks a LOT everyone...

ps. if you need to laugh, Click me

its just a prototype so dont make fun of me yet... and that horseshoe logo is my attempt at photoshop...and i know its ugly i just put it there to show how a logo might look....if i do use that look, i have to make it way cleaner and more professional....

Last edited by ZooYork03; 09/02/03 12:15 PM.

Works on contingency, no money down.....oh wait let me change a few things....Works on Contingency? NO, Money Down!!!! 98 Se in the works.... Looking for, 18'rs-6 or RS-5's SVT rear FOUND!!! SVT front (thanks SVTCuervo)