Hey all. Ok I am going to try my best to explain the situation. I tried searching the forums but have not found something similar to my issue unfortunetly, google I got nowhere, lots of stuff about stiff shifters, but that's different then my problem. Although this is NOT a major issue, but can be annoying when racing.

I have a 1998 CSVT. The tranny works fine, all gears work without a big problem. After driving many cars with a manual I have noticed that mine is doing something different. While your shifter is in neutral (center)position and you move it to the left/right (as if you were going to put it in first/reverse), and let go of the shifter it should bounce back to center position. Well it doesn't. It kinda stays under the first gear. So when your driving the car and you want to shift into third gear, you have to actually direct the shifter into that gear. So the reason WHY it's annoying, is because if your racing someone, and your trying to get it in third, because the shifter doesn't naturally go to the center position I at times nail the shifter between 1st and 3rd gear. Which slows down my shifting big time. I am planning on getting the short thrower, but not at this time yet.

Any ideas of what might be causing this stickyness? FYI, I have tried to lube the ball, that was my first guess on what it could be. But it did not help. Could it be the shifting cable that's not properly adjusted or something else?

If you experienced the same problem, please share with me, or if you just know what it could be.

Thanks guys