Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: jpshaw Thermostats, sensors and senders - 02/01/06 08:26 PM
My '96 Contour temp gauge doesn't move. I know I've seen this posted two other times with everyone saying its the sender. However, in my case, it does move. Every few weeks I will notice it about 1/4 the way up for a while. Also turning on the heater and setting it to the panel when first starting the car I notice the gradual increase in temp as it warms up, not the sudden change as a thermostat opens up. So I'm thinking I need a new thermostat instead of a sender. Comments please.
Air conditioner controls should not have any noticeable affect on normal operating temp.

Your symptoms indicate a thermostat that has failed in the open position.


Posted By: jpshaw Re: Thermostats, sensors and senders - 02/02/06 02:44 PM
Steve - Didn't use the air. I turned on the heat through the panel vents before the car was warm. I think you're right about the "failed in the open position" for the thrmostat though.
Posted By: Matt R_dup1 Re: Thermostats, sensors and senders - 02/02/06 06:17 PM
SO go ahead and replace the thermostat. They are wicked cheap. Just be sure to get the gasket at the same time.
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