Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: trujap_dup1 effect of plugged cats? - 10/05/04 02:49 AM
Does anyone know what happens when your cats are plugged? I've recently noticed that my engine seems to be heating up a bit faster than usual.
any suggestions.
Posted By: abwamo_dup1 Re: effect of plugged cats? - 10/05/04 05:09 AM
I can't see the cats causing the problem; you could trap a little exhaust heat with clogged cats i guess but if your cooling system is working probably you shouldn't even notice it.

how long has it been since you flushed and changed fluid in your rad?
do both fans run when you are running hot?
could be thermostat, fans, radiator...

...and of course the impeller could be going on the water pump.
Posted By: abwamo_dup1 Re: effect of plugged cats? - 10/05/04 05:18 AM
forgot to answer your first question. when your cats are clogged you will loose power especially top end power.
With my experience lately with going completely catless i noticed my car is almost the same on the lower end, but got way more jam to it in higher speeds and in the upper RPM band.
Posted By: trujap_dup1 Re: effect of plugged cats? - 10/07/04 04:36 AM
aight very intresting indeed.
I remember advocate saying something about taking the precats off when your going to gut them cuz they may cause engine failure. any light to this issue?
Posted By: advocate_dup1 Re: effect of plugged cats? - 10/07/04 01:27 PM
As long as you are carefull when you gut them you should be fine. I was lucky that the idiots at Park Muffler didn't rape my car anymore then they did. Mine was fine after being gutted (after fixing Park's mishaps). Just make sure you really clean them out good, there are some seals in there too that are like steal wool. Make sure to get those out! Or say 3L time
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