Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: 1BADTOUR Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/22/04 07:38 PM
Hey all the idea was thrown out there and I wanted to start a poll to see how many people would go if we had next years SZ held in Las Vegas. I know there are alot of people in Cali and a good amount of peeps in AZ,CO, and NM, not to metion the other states around Las Vegas, this could be one of the bigger SZ's if this took place in that area. So on with the poll to see if there is enough interest in Spring Zing "05 In Las Vegas.

Spring Zing '05 In Las Vegas

Yes, for sure I would be there
No, I'm not driving that far to go to Spring Zing '05
Maybe, if there is enough interest I would be willing to making the long trip

Well there it is please vote and lets make this happen.
Posted By: TGO Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/22/04 09:49 PM
I think if you do have a meet in Vegas it's not gonna be called SZ...

and dayum i'd have to fly out there!
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 03:11 AM
I think I'd have to fly out for that sucker.
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 04:36 AM
If there is an '05 Spring Zing it will be in the Ann Arbor area West of Detroit.

Posted By: KingpinSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 05:00 AM
maybe we could do a western US version of spring zing
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 05:05 AM
Originally posted by WorldTour:
If there is an '05 Spring Zing it will be in the Ann Arbor area West of Detroit.


Prob a good idea. The SE MICH and East coast is much larger than the west coast and AZ boys. my .02$
Posted By: SmoothSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 05:51 AM
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by WorldTour:
If there is an '05 Spring Zing it will be in the Ann Arbor area West of Detroit.


Prob a good idea. The SE MICH and East coast is much larger than the west coast and AZ boys. my .02$

Agreed, or maybe even somewhere in between so both sides could make it. Vegas is a little out there. Don't get me wrong, I want it here.
Posted By: PlatoSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 02:39 PM
I'd love to see it in Vegas. I know pretty much all of the westcoast CEG doesn't really get the opportunity to meet the majority of the people on this site, simply because of the East Coast popularity. Kinda like how SZ was just too far of a drive for "us" to go to. Instead of Vegas, maybe we should shoot for somewhere in between. Hey, how about that town that is the very center of the US? That'd be "central" without a doubt! And hopefully it would be a compromise for both sides, and it would pull a huge turnout..
Posted By: Dakmis Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 03:53 PM
are you sure your gonna want to see me blow money i don't have?
Posted By: PlatoSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 04:08 PM
Ummmm.... what? I'm very lost. Do you mean blow money by coming to a central CEG meet?
Posted By: 1BADTOUR Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 04:19 PM
I'm thinking the whole central event would be the best and most fair thing to do for both sides of the map. Have it in kansas or somewhere in the middle and that way everyone would have about the same drive on both the west coast and east coast. I think that would be best and like others said a bigger turn out. Just my 2 cents.
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 04:26 PM
Originally posted by PlatoSVT:
I'd love to see it in Vegas. I know pretty much all of the westcoast CEG doesn't really get the opportunity to meet the majority of the people on this site, simply because of the East Coast popularity. Kinda like how SZ was just too far of a drive for "us" to go to. Instead of Vegas, maybe we should shoot for somewhere in between. Hey, how about that town that is the very center of the US? That'd be "central" without a doubt! And hopefully it would be a compromise for both sides, and it would pull a huge turnout..

Let me remind you about SZ03... Omaha, Nebraska was were it was supposed to be held, the guys planning it had an awsome venue and activities for every one. The even was nearly centered in the US and nearly equal distance for the people on the coasts... the event didn't happen because people whined & complained about where it was. As I agree a central location would be great, the past shows that it most likely won't work because the further towards central US you go the further you are in the middle nowhere so no one ever wants to go.

My suggestion to the Western US CEGers would be to have the CEG national meet (which I believe to be now defunct) in your part of the country. There isn't anything saying you guys can't have a meet on a national level, someone just needs to take the lead and make it happen.

Posted By: darpinian Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 07:05 PM
Originally posted by WorldTour:
Originally posted by PlatoSVT:
I'd love to see it in Vegas. I know pretty much all of the westcoast CEG doesn't really get the opportunity to meet the majority of the people on this site, simply because of the East Coast popularity. Kinda like how SZ was just too far of a drive for "us" to go to. Instead of Vegas, maybe we should shoot for somewhere in between. Hey, how about that town that is the very center of the US? That'd be "central" without a doubt! And hopefully it would be a compromise for both sides, and it would pull a huge turnout..

Let me remind you about SZ03... Omaha, Nebraska was were it was supposed to be held, the guys planning it had an awsome venue and activities for every one. The even was nearly centered in the US and nearly equal distance for the people on the coasts... the event didn't happen because people whined & complained about where it was. As I agree a central location would be great, the past shows that it most likely won't work because the further towards central US you go the further you are in the middle nowhere so no one ever wants to go.

My suggestion to the Western US CEGers would be to have the CEG national meet (which I believe to be now defunct) in your part of the country. There isn't anything saying you guys can't have a meet on a national level, someone just needs to take the lead and make it happen.


I agree with Mark. We don't really need the title Spring Zing to have a big Meet for the West coast. I live in San Antonio and I know that if there was a meet in Las Vegas..I'd be there with my Pimp boots on. I know the interest is there we would just need someone to take the initiative to put it together. I would be cool if we had 2 spring zings at the same time in two different locations...image that . Seriously though, I'd like to see a Las Vegas meet...someone should make it happen
Posted By: BSOELMAN Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/23/04 08:45 PM
I kind of like all the ideas. I would like to go to vegas as well as anywhere. lots of people said that it doesnt matter much where it is we just need to get people out. I heard a few people say they would like to see it in indy. that is a little more central when you look at who was at this one. we had good showings from MI as well as illinois, indiana and new jersy. Us in Mi would not have to drive much furthur and those others i think would appreciate being a little closer. I really liked the spring zing even with the problems that we had. We could let it get to us or let it be a learnig opporunity. I like that idea of a national meet too if there was enough interest. I am thinking sz 05 in indy and maybe nationals in vegas in the summer, maybe we could get the coulgar crowd invovled as well. thanks to all those who made sz 04 happen this was my first and I want to make sure it wont be my last.
Posted By: Roz 1999 SVT-C Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 01:15 AM
Originally posted by KingpinSVT:
maybe we could do a western US version of spring zing

Right now im trying to get everyone together to do that this year since we missed SZ .

Right now, everyones schedual on the west coast (that has posted) is spread out through the summer months....some people want it in august, but some complain because of Monsoon season in LV at that time. Some are june, some are July....

Right now im planning to be there Aug 27-30 for my birth day and to meet other CEGer's....So if anyone wants to join if they can, please feel free to look up the vegas link in California.

I know it was kinda short notice for some people, but i did somehting similar like this with West Cost NECO last year at 10 cars went and we met some of the local LV Cougar owners.

I liked it and wanted to do it with CEG this year....what do ya say?

Posted By: Y2KGreenSE Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 05:16 AM
Regions can have as many 'National Meets' as they want. SZ isn't the ONLY big meet that CEG can have.

There's no reason that the West, South, and NW members can't put on a National Meet this year also. No need to wait til spring 2005!
Posted By: PlatoSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 06:18 AM
Ok, I'm still pretty "virgin" here on CEG, so I didn't know about SZ '03. I think that seperate East and West Coast meets sounds good, and I think it's apparent that we can have meets individually, and that is best to do those seperate (but equal) meets . My first meet was in Pueblo, CO (thanks blackwidowsvtt) with a show of 15 or so Contique's and SHO's. I had a blast, and am trying to set up something equally impressive. I'll be posting on the Vegas link in California forums, just hoping it can fit in with my busy summer schedule.
For those that are asking about the West version of a SZ, ya'll need to stop the Southwest and California forums. There has been a topic for an event in Vegas for the last few weeks. We are looking at August right now.
I've always wanted to do a "cross country drive" and if its well planned and the interest is there, I'd be up for it. The idea of it in middle of the country is a great idea though and I still don't understand why it didn't fly This being said, last year there was a Dragon meet planned and I think we had about (7) CEG-ers there covering Michigan, Alabama, North Carolina and Tennesse, so maybe this year we'll have a better turnout because theres alot to do there as the Cherahola Skyway/Dragon run is about 120 miles if you do it there and back, talk about something to do
Posted By: White99SE Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 08:00 PM
Your poll needs to have another option, "Have a separate 'Western Meet' for people that can't make the drive to Michigan." BTW Adam, did you realize that LV is even a farther drive for us than Michigan???

I don't think there is any way you can find one location that's going to satisfy everyone. "Spring Zing" (if it happens at all next year) should stay right where it is, and you could have 1 or more "regional" meets.

People talked about flying in if it were in Vegas, which is great, but one of the main reasons I made the trip to SZ '04 was to see the cars. I wanted to meet the people too, but it just wouldn't have been the same if we'd all flown in and left our cars at home.

Just my .02
Posted By: PlatoSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 08:16 PM
Well, IF the whole CEG had SZ in Vegas, you can probably count on much of the western US to have their cars there...
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 08:49 PM
Originally posted by PlatoSVT:
Well, IF the whole CEG had SZ in Vegas, you can probably count on much of the western US to have their cars there...

Well we just had it in MI so you'd think the East Coast and Midwest would be there.

This look like a lot to you? 30-40 cars sucks when our local meets get about that many.

Posted By: 1314_dup1 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 08:50 PM
You should try this thread in the CEG Natl Conventions forum or the seperate regional forums. Spring Zing belongs to the Michigan people. Anyone can try to set up an event where ever they please, but it won't be called Spring Zing.
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 09:07 PM
I agree that this SZ was pretty down on attendance compared to SZ2K1, but from what I gathered everyone had a good time.

I think that the MI people should get together in a couple weeks and discuss SZ05 and toss some ideas around.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 09:09 PM
Originally posted by 1314:
You should try this thread in the CEG Natl Conventions forum or the seperate regional forums. Spring Zing belongs to the Michigan people. Anyone can try to set up an event where ever they please, but it won't be called Spring Zing.

That should prob be true. MI has owned SZ forever basically. I mean I am going to Carlisle All ford Nat'ls...
that's a hike and half.

Posted By: PlatoSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/24/04 09:31 PM
Allright, I'll just stay out of this then.
Posted By: BSOELMAN Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 05/25/04 01:24 AM
Originally posted by WorldTour:
I agree that this SZ was pretty down on attendance compared to SZ2K1, but from what I gathered everyone had a good time.

I think that the MI people should get together in a couple weeks and discuss SZ05 and toss some ideas around.

I think that is a great idea lets make a meet out of it and get as many MI's there as possible.
Posted By: svt4b Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/07/04 12:09 AM
guys from the west coast like myself (i know it says hawaii but im going home to cali for good this fall) want a big event like this to look forward to. i think vegas would be perfect but i agree that "spring zing" might not work for the name. the idea rocks and there would probably be a huge turnout even if they dont drive because its VEGAS! i was plannin on trying to setup something like this when i get home but if its considered a national meet...that would be the sh*T
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/07/04 01:41 AM
I'd go but I would need someone to ride shotgun and we'd need to have atleast 2 other Tours from SE MI and/or the Ohio area to make the trip...anyone I feel that the SE MI CEG would have to show up and represent if this does indeed go down, no doubt about it
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/07/04 01:43 AM
Originally posted by WorldTour:
If there is an '05 Spring Zing it will be in the Ann Arbor area West of Detroit.


Who came up with AA and why
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/07/04 01:54 AM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Originally posted by WorldTour:
If there is an '05 Spring Zing it will be in the Ann Arbor area West of Detroit.


Who came up with AA and why

Because Mark would be running I guess.
Posted By: Trapps_dup1 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/07/04 02:26 PM
Originally posted by WorldTour:
I agree that this SZ was pretty down on attendance compared to SZ2K1, but from what I gathered everyone had a good time.

I think that the MI people should get together in a couple weeks and discuss SZ05 and toss some ideas around.

We could have the meeting in Troy Beaumont on July 24th. Just ask for my room at the front desk...
Posted By: lsneo Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/11/04 12:07 AM
if this happens ill try to show. lets get it going.
Posted By: wa2tuff Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/17/04 02:06 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
I'd go but I would need someone to ride shotgun and we'd need to have atleast 2 other Tours from SE MI and/or the Ohio area to make the trip...anyone I feel that the SE MI CEG would have to show up and represent if this does indeed go down, no doubt about it

What would be a rough estimate of the drive time from SE MI or western OH?
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/17/04 03:42 PM
About 36 hrs!
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/17/04 04:37 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
About 36 hrs!

That is it?
Posted By: KingpinSVT Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/17/04 08:27 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
About 36 hrs!

i dont think its that far. from here to cinci. is 18hrs (where my gf lives), and i think we can get to vegas in around 10hrs or less. mapquest says 11 from denver to vegas, so it can be done in less than that. heck, i got here from florida in less than 30 hours, and that was 1800 miles i think.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/24/04 01:06 PM
Back in the day, my wife and her then boyfriend drove from AZ to MI and it took 33 hrs. Going from SE MI to the Dragon took me 10 1/2 hrs and that was 580 miles. The trip out there would be a blast, but needs alot of planning to make it happen, including the actual event
Posted By: Keyser Soze Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 07/25/04 02:26 AM
When I moved here from Michigan it took 28.5 hours in my SVT. I might have been speeding a little.
Posted By: hrsepwrdrms Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 09/10/04 07:19 PM
Originally posted by 2000GreenTour:
Regions can have as many 'National Meets' as they want. SZ isn't the ONLY big meet that CEG can have.

There's no reason that the West, South, and NW members can't put on a National Meet this year also. No need to wait til spring 2005!

Posted By: Y2KGreenSE Re: Spring Zing '05 in Las Vegas - 09/23/04 01:41 AM
Wow someone read my mind. I was going to repeat what I posted many weeks ago. People in the west or south can have their own "Spring Zing West" "SZ South" or "Winter Zing".
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