Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Trapps_dup1 SZ04 final comments... - 05/11/04 07:28 PM
For those of you who complained about any number of things, including costs, in e-mails. PMâ??s, or in open threads, Iâ??m truly sorry Spring Zing 2004 did not fit with your ideals, financial situation or expectations. I felt I gave plenty of notice to prepare for costs associated with this yearâ??s event. I encourage you to organize a Spring Zing or other event on your own. Perhaps youâ??ll have more success in satisfying everyoneâ??s wants and needs than I have. To suggest that money is a determining factor in how you will get along with people youâ??ve only met â??on-lineâ?? is not only immature, it is ludicrous. The Show & Shine, Banquet and Kart racing all take place at the same venue. The cost is all rolled in together. As the Contour/Mystique is known (perhaps only by a few(CEGerâ??s )) as a drivers car, I thought having the banquet at Kart 2 Kart would be a great idea as it would allow for attendees to do some actual competitive driving. Unfortunately, a road course or AutoX were not an option this year due in part to timing of college studentâ??s finals and availability of local racing venues. You canâ??t please all of the people all of the time.

Past Spring Zings were well received and well attended. More importantly, they were well organized. Costs, events, timing, locations all have to mesh perfectly. Then you have to have a group of people to support it. Costs this year, are not significantly higher than years past, theyâ??re just lumped together. I knew going into this that it would be impossible to please everybody with the package I had envisioned for Spring Zing 2004. What I didnâ??t expect was whining from those who couldnâ??t or wouldnâ??t make it work for themselves. I do know that the many who do attend will have a great time!

Look at the history of polls and SZ threads, I asked for opinions; more than 5 months ago. Only now does it seem people want to speak up about how the event is organized. The early planning stages were the time to speak up. And if you did speak up and it didnâ??t go your way, then you lost out to the majority.

No one has said you canâ??t come and hang out at the hotel. Or on the Cruise. Or even walk the Show and Shine. Kart 2 Kart is a public facility; you can come in a watch the racing. What you canâ??t do, if you didnâ??t register or pay, is participate in the Show & Shine. There are prizes for specific categories. Those prizes were donated or they were purchased, i.e. cost money. What you canâ??t do, if you didnâ??t register or pay, is attend the banquet. The caterer wasnâ??t free. What you canâ??t do, if you didnâ??t register or pay, is participate in the Mini Kart Gran Prix. Again, that activity costs money.

I too shall miss Spring Zing this year. Iâ??m having surgery on 5/14 to repair a ruptured disc. Iâ??m out the $80 for the banquet, the $20 Dyno deposit and a ton of time to organize this yearâ??s event. My only complaint is that Iâ??ll miss out on seeing some old friends and meeting some new ones.

One final note. If you have complaints about this years event, please direct them to me:

Mark Whalen

The people who have assisted and will see it through, DESERVE NOTHING BUT THANKS AND PRAISE for lending a hand early on and in the 11th hour as I deal with my personal situation.

Best regards to all,

Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/11/04 07:33 PM
It's the CEG. Showing their typical cheap colors. Bet if this was a Vortex event we wouldn't have heard a peep. I guess our car are moving into a much younger and less mature segment i.e. don't comprehend everything in life costs $. Those are the only ones I see complaining.
Posted By: SVTMike_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/11/04 09:46 PM
Well said Mark.
Posted By: mike_95se_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 01:16 AM
i think you guys did an excellent job on setting this up. i agree with your thinking. why should people get off for free. thats bs. im pretty disappointed i hafta miss what very well could be the final sz. who's really goin to wanna f with it after seeing how this year went? i may be able to pop in to say hi to some of you guys but thats it. i dont plan on doing or taking away from any of the planned events. i know it was your guys money that has taken care of this and no way in hell should someone expect any more. i feel the event is more than fair priced and i agree with the younger crowd comment, even though im part of it. i jsut dont want any hard feelings form some of you guys since im not payin. just a time to catch up with a lot of you and see some sweet rides. so if i make it, i look forward to seeing you guys.
Posted By: in the shop Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 01:31 AM
Originally posted by todras:
It's the CEG. Showing their typical cheap colors. Bet if this was a Vortex event we wouldn't have heard a peep. I guess our car are moving into a much younger and less mature segment i.e. don't comprehend everything in life costs $. Those are the only ones I see complaining.

im 22 bills up to my ears... but you know if i woulda heard a thing about this site, this gathering, i woulda been the first to pay... i dont got the money but thats what savings for, i dont got the time of work thats whats a early request for time off is for.... i hope you all have a blast, next year i will be there... i dont care if i have to drive 2k miles this sounds like somthing worth seing
Posted By: bambam4501 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 02:17 AM
Originally posted by SVTMike:
Well said Mark.

I agree!!

Thanks for your hard work!
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 10:52 AM
I'd like to thank Mark here for setting this up for us, Mark (WorldTour) and I will do our best to make this a great event, especially for those who are coming from hundreds of miles away, lets not forget we've got a number of them and because of that, we owe it to them to show them a good time here I checked that post and saw the mileage people are driving to this event, unbelievable and NOT A ONE is complaining about the higher gas prices we have now, thanks guys, its very refreshing not hearing about money woes
Posted By: ElKy Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 11:07 AM
aww man!
i forgot all about the higher gas prices..
forget it, i am staying home!

Posted By: Judge_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 12:07 PM
Trapps...check your email.....

Posted By: Stazi Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 12:42 PM
Truly sad - and it makes it seem like this will be the last ever SZ'04 because of the lack of enthusiasm I am seeing.

$80 in today's times is nothing. Seriously! I don't want to hear excuses. Lets look back 2 months ago - now if you can HONESTLY look me in the eye and say you couldn't afford to stash $10 A WEEK, then I call shenigans on you. Because that's total BS. That's frikken less than two meals at McDonalds! Unless your 12 and get $2 a day for washing dishes for you momma, then I would think that $10 a week would be attainable. But we all know that we have been planning on SZ04 for longer than 2 months, so if we go back 4, yes 4 months, then you would have to save $5 a week. OMG, that's unheard of!

Like Todd said - WHATEVER!

To the die-hards, I applaud you guys for coming out, and to Ben, dude, just come out and you can chill as Casa Stazi - ride your BMX if you have too the 100 mile trek will be great for your stamina training.

I'm not going to say - don't show up to SZ if you're a tight ass, but don't expect to be mooching either!
Posted By: Buckshot77_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 02:10 PM
Hey all, I am in agreement about the $ thing, but at some point the verbal bashing does become a little over zealous so I'd appreciate seeing it less. We all know that that's just the way things are around here and we've just got to live with it.

In any case, I'm looking forward to coming out! Big thanks to everyone who is helping put this thing on!!!

Posted By: Davo Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 03:43 PM
I agree CEGers are notorious for being "all-for" something until it comes time to pay for it.

What I don't agree with is thinking it is so inexpensive to attend. It may be if you live in the Detroit area, but if you're coming from, say, Nebraska, it may end up costing $200 in gas to get there. 200 + 80 + 50 (hotel) + 50 (food) + $50 (misc.) = $430. That is if you have absolutely no problems (i.e. flat tire, etc.). 430/10 = 43 weeks you have to save $10 a week for. Most people don't save like that, so some may not be able to swing it. And I think Stazi (or whoever said it) is right in saying the demographics of CEG have shifted to the younger crowd. The high schoolers will have a hell of a time coming up with over $400 for a trip.

I should be coming to SZ. It will in no way be cheap. I'm hoping it's worth the time and money.
Posted By: TGO Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 04:19 PM
Mark, I think you've done an excellent job at coordinating this event. Don't let anyone's complaining get to you...Just look at the event that's going to take place as a result of all your hard work!

I'm not even going to be able to make it to SZ. I know i've been wanting to go back ever since I left SZ02...but the combination of alot of things is going to stop me it seems.

I have a "mystery" cel, bad wheel bearing, and still too many things to redo from my accident to make the car presentable to the rest of the CEG. That and the lack of communication in the northeast branch. I have noone to split a room with, and frankly, I can't afford to get my own room. Especially if I were to have to pay a mechanic to fix whatevers wrong with my car.

Hopefully this won't be my last chance to see some of the great people and friends I met 2 years ago...

Everybody have fun, be safe, and take pictures!!! Lots!!!

Oh yeah...and pH34r the JUG!!!
Posted By: ElKy Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 04:50 PM
hey man, I thought you were crashing in our room?
you are more than welcome to!
Posted By: Shaggy_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/12/04 05:37 PM
Originally posted by TheGreatOne:
Mark, I think you've done an excellent job at coordinating this event. Don't let anyone's complaining get to you...Just look at the event that's going to take place as a result of all your hard work!

I'm not even going to be able to make it to SZ. I know i've been wanting to go back ever since I left SZ02...but the combination of alot of things is going to stop me it seems.

I have a "mystery" cel, bad wheel bearing, and still too many things to redo from my accident to make the car presentable to the rest of the CEG. That and the lack of communication in the northeast branch. I have noone to split a room with, and frankly, I can't afford to get my own room. Especially if I were to have to pay a mechanic to fix whatevers wrong with my car.

Hopefully this won't be my last chance to see some of the great people and friends I met 2 years ago...

Everybody have fun, be safe, and take pictures!!! Lots!!!

Oh yeah...and pH34r the JUG!!!

Lamer! You know I'm going! I can give you a ride if you want.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/13/04 11:05 AM
I understand the thing with those coming from hundreds of miles away, our thing is with the locals who aren't showing up and complaining about $80.00 for the banquet/go-karting, thats all. I don't rag too many people who live far away about attending, unless you didn't know about it but then again, how could you not have known about it and started saving 5 monthes ago If there is a next SZ and its well organized, I'll be attending Looking forward to seeing all of you out of towners, make sure you come over and introduce yourself, my car isn't to hard to spot
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/14/04 01:57 AM
Thanks a lot Mark!

As far as not attending.....there is no excuse....$80 is nothing....and as far as the hotel....people crashed with other people ever since the 1st one. Jeez, I have driven to Michigan for just 1 day regular meets. So driving for a 4 day event in nothing.....and the memories will stay with you, that is why I wouldn't miss this one for the world!
Posted By: TGO Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/14/04 05:57 AM
well, if i can get an answer on whether i can still register, then i'll be there.
Posted By: Shaggy_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/14/04 01:39 PM
Originally posted by todras:
You can send Paypal even up until the 21st. According to the caterer they just need to know the night before how many. I already added extras for the banquet because I know more would register.

You can.
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/14/04 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Shaggy:

You can.

Yes, you can.
Posted By: Wien_Sean Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/15/04 06:18 AM
Well since I joined last year I have never been to a SZ event. I was told about it last year but it didn't happen....I should have said that....anyway for whatever reason it didn't happen so I am really g'ed up for it. I can't wait to see everyones cars!

And the planning this year was great! hats off to everyone that helped!
Posted By: janostak Re: SZ04 final comments... - 05/21/04 02:00 AM
Mark, thank you for all your work--I am so sorry that you are missing this after all the effort you put in. I hope the surgery went well and you're feeling better!!

I just got home from New England tonite and we cut thru Canada and one thing I must say is don't gas up in Canada--the gas was about $2.60/gallon!!!
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