Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Klasse Act Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/07/04 02:10 AM
It looks like we have an open evening on Thursday, May 20th and I have a suggestion, lets go to Mexican Village. With so many people coming from out of town I thought this would be a great place to give everyone a "taste of Detroit". Afterwards we could head to the pool hall to shot some stick I know theres been a couple other ideas talked about, but for those seeking something like this, its an option for us If theres any other ideas for other groups, feel free to post away!
im there!
Posted By: m!key Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/09/04 10:27 PM
i am there just tell me where.
works for me
I think a good meeting spot to head out there is the back parking lot of the Dave and Busters, seeing that its pretty close the hotels Time TBA
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/10/04 10:57 AM
sounds good
Mexican Village is about a 45 minute drive but well worth the ride, am I right "locals" This gives you a taste of Detroit because who really wants to go to the same places you have back home. When I went to Chicago last year I insisted on some Chicago-style pizza and got it
I will be putting 500 miles on my car...wish me luck!
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/11/04 10:32 AM
after a day of driving 718 (11 hours 9 minutes) miles i am sure another 45 minutes wont kill me
Originally posted by ElKy:
after a day of driving 718 (11 hours 9 minutes) miles i am sure another 45 minutes wont kill me

You drive slow! My run to Kalamazoo is usually about 12-12.5 hours, 900+ miles. I figure I can make the Detriot area in about 10 hours.
Only you Chris, only you... LOL!
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/11/04 01:52 PM
thats mapquests time...not elky time.
Originally posted by ElKy:
thats mapquests time...not elky time.

why does that scare me some
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/11/04 02:23 PM
no worries got a duratech...
i will try to keep the SVT off the limiter for ya.
Originally posted by Shaggy:
Originally posted by ElKy:
after a day of driving 718 (11 hours 9 minutes) miles i am sure another 45 minutes wont kill me

You drive slow! My run to Kalamazoo is usually about 12-12.5 hours, 900+ miles. I figure I can make the Detriot area in about 10 hours.

you guys don't cut through canada though do you?
CA has a slow ass speed limit, even though everyone who lives there goes whizzing by you at 90 mph.
if we speed, we're a frickin target.
No, I take 80W all the way out, since I am about 4 miles from it. The last time I went to CAN (Montreal area) I too was getting passed like I was standing still and was upwards of 90. I didn't realize we were so targeted out there...
Originally posted by ElKy:
thats mapquests time...not elky time.

That's just awesome. I would love to caravan with you guys, but there isn't a good meeting spot, especially since you are going through CAN.
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/11/04 05:40 PM
well...maybe we can work something out.
i will have to do some research!
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/11/04 05:45 PM
ok i lied...we cant work soemthing out
there really isnt an easy way to combine both paths.
Originally posted by ElKy:
ok i lied...we cant work soemthing out
there really isnt an easy way to combine both paths.

haha, no worries. I can't wait to go!!
Posted By: parkedcar Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/11/04 09:28 PM
shaggy, what day youleaving? I am 5 minutes from rt. 80
Originally posted by parkedcar:
shaggy, what day youleaving? I am 5 minutes from rt. 80

Wednesday morning, probably at 1000.
Posted By: parkedcar Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/12/04 05:11 AM
oh...n/m then. i'm leaving first thing thursday morning. Can't close the shop for 3 days in the same week. so we'll be leaving around 6.
I'm thinking we'll meet up at the Dave and Busters parking lot and head out from there. I'm thinking about 6-7p.m., but don't hold me to anything. Like I said, the drive to Mexican Village is about 45 minutes and well worth the wait.
Roger I know I don't want to drive down to Mexican Village after driving 2.15 hrs. to get over there. I'm sure the out of towners don't either. Why not just go to the M.V. in Utica?

Mexican Village Utica
47350 Van Dyke Ave.
Utica, MI
I thought all the people involved in planning & running SZ were meeting up at Stazi's on Thurs? What happened to that plan?

Good question. I guess Roger will be going to the Village as the rest of us will be at Stazi's.
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/12/04 04:08 PM
i dont really care what we do when i get out there, just as long as i can get directions!
i am shooting to be at the hotel by 3-4 pm on thursday.
Originally posted by ElKy:
i dont really care what we do when i get out there,

In that case I'm going to give you a Dirty Sanchez.
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by ElKy:
i dont really care what we do when i get out there,

In that case I'm going to give you a Dirty Sanchez.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Me next!
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/12/04 05:36 PM
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by ElKy:
i dont really care what we do when i get out there,

In that case I'm going to give you a Dirty Sanchez.

ok...let me rephrase that!

can i get an angry dragon instead?


you guys better post pics when you get back!

Originally posted by ElKy:

can i get an angry dragon instead?

I don't know is it it anything like a Hot Carl?
Hey Roger, are you printing out directions for everyone for the "Reality Cruise" on friday night? Theres gonna be a bunch of us heading out there and I'm sure some people are gonna get broken up from the pack.
Directions are going to be covered:

-from the hotel to the dragstrip
-from the hotel to the cruize
-from the cruize to the Redline meet
-from the hotel to the dyno

I'll go the meeting at SZ, but I just thought we'd have a local handy to take the out of towners and whom ever else out to eat, thats all. Todd is right, the Mexican Village restaurant at 22 and Van Dyke is much better as its only about 3 miles north of the hotels. Even though its not in "Mexican town", the food is authentic
Originally posted by ElKy:
can i get an angry dragon instead?

Wait, how did I get involved into this all of a sudden.
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by ElKy:

can i get an angry dragon instead?

I don't know is it it anything like a Hot Carl?

How about a Boston Steamer?
Posted By: Stazi Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/13/04 02:38 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
It looks like we have an open evening on Thursday, May 20th and I have a suggestion, lets go to Mexican Village. With so many people coming from out of town I thought this would be a great place to give everyone a "taste of Detroit". Afterwards we could head to the pool hall to shot some stick I know theres been a couple other ideas talked about, but for those seeking something like this, its an option for us If theres any other ideas for other groups, feel free to post away!

WTF, Roger?
Why not just go to Mexican Village in Utica? It's just as good as the restaurants in Mexican TOWN?

The we'll be closer to SZ HQ, my house and more beer. WHo wants to drive to the a-hole of Detroit and hten have to navigate their ways back to Utica, half in the bag while trying to dodge pot-holes?
Posted By: ElKy Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/13/04 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Stazi the Aussie:
WHo wants to drive to the a-hole of Detroit and hten have to navigate their ways back to Utica, half in the bag while trying to dodge pot-holes?

**waving hand violently above head**

Yeah your right Stazi, I'll organize the "meet and greet" for the out of towners and we'll head over to Mexican Village restaurant at 22 and Van Dyke. If you guys really need me there at your meeting I'll answer the questions in advance, "yes", "NO", "I'd do it", "I'm for that" and most importantly, "thanks!" I really want to organize this so the out of towners aren't looking around at each other and say "where are the locals?" I for one would want to see one of the SZ organizers when I get into town, so thas why I want to organize this meet and great intro!
Posted By: Stazi Re: Thursday May 20th evening "to do" list - 05/14/04 01:32 PM
What time are you meeting them (at D&B, I presume)? I may be able to join you to head-up the convoy, if it isn't too early in the afternoon - as I will be coming from my new place of employment in Plymouth.
It looks like I'll be in the parking lot of Amerisuites by 6:30 p.m. and we can leave sometime after 7:00 p.m. but we don't have to leave at certain time, so its open for discussion. If there isn't enough room we can just park/hangout in the Dave and Busters east lot, you know the one
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